Our Customer Loyalty Scheme Rewards
Tier 1 Conditions
Your rewards start at Tier 1 by making an initial purchase. We would then present to you, by email any new coin cover collections we buy during that year. As a privileged customer you can then purchase the listed coin covers at a discounted rate. Your reward period runs from your first purchase in the year to the end of December of that year. So it pays to make purchases early in the year to enjoy the full benefit. All privileges will end on December 31st and you will need to qualify again the following year when you make your fist purchase.
Conditions apply: Voucher Code can only be used by you only, are not transferable, will expire on the 31st December of that year and cannot be redeemed against purchasing any Gold Coin Covers.
Tier 2 Conditions
In tier 2, you will qualify for a 10% voucher code once your aggregate total hits £100 spend. We would then issue you a 10% voucher code that you can redeem at your next purchase. Every purchase henceforth, we will provide you a further 10% Off voucher code. The qualifying period is again as in tier 1: 1st January to the 31st December of that year. You will start afresh the following year when you make your first purchase.
Conditions apply: Voucher Code can only be used by you only, are not transferable, will expire on the 31st December of that year and cannot be redeemed against any Gold Coin Covers.
Tier 3 Conditions
Tier 3 is when you spend in total over £250 in a given year running from 1st January to the 31st December over multiple purchases. Once your spend is over the £250 threshold, we will issue you a 20% Off voucher code to be used against your next purchase. Again subsequent purchases will afford a further 20% voucher code. All voucher codes will expire on the 31st December of that year. At this time, you start afresh to qualify for Tier 1 when you make a new purchase in the new year.
Conditions apply: Voucher Code can only be used by you only, are not transferable, will expire on the 31st December of that year and cannot be redeemed against any Gold Coin Covers.
Here is an example: